General Loading & Shipping Info

Loading Types Buyer is responsible for all loading costs associated with this lot.
  1. If this item is described as "Buyer Self-Loading", you will need to bring your own labor to load or make the proper arrangements.

  2. If this item has a "Loading Fee", the fee includes loading onto your truck and does not include palletizing or any other special services.

  3. If this item is described as "Rigger Required", you will need to hire a third party Rigger to load this item or you may provide your own labor, machinery, tooling, and insurance to load it yourself (unless specified elsewhere).

  4. If this item is described as "Seller Loading", it includes (at no additional cost) loading onto your truck and does not include palletizing or any other special services.
Shipping & Freight The Buyer is responsible for all costs associated with loading & transportation and shipping preparation & loading of Ocean Freight Containers.
Pick-Up Hours Standard pick-up days and times for this item are by appointment only. Failure to request/secure an appointment may result in the delay or refusal of picking up or loading your lots. below.

This Lot Only

Loading Fee $ 750 Loading Fee

For the Buyer's convenience and insurance purposes, a loading fee is charged and includes unhooking the item, disconnecting from electric, compressed air and dust collection where applicable, and loading the item onto a truck or trailer.
Palletizing, crating, or special loading procedures are not included.

If you have any other questions related to shipping prior to an auction closing that are not answered above, please use the form below to contact us.  We work diligently to answer all requests. Questions asked on the day an auction closes may be answered after bidding has ended.

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