Complete in-place system with the following features:
205 HP Biomass Wood Fired Boiler, 7,073 PPH, Gross steam output at 212° F.
"FB-1332-15-UF" Low pressure "fire tube"-design fire box, Built in accordance with ASME Code.
Operator Interface:
ALLEN-BRADLEY PLC, with Power Supply Rack, Pentium-based computer with Network & Modem remote communication capabilities with Operator interface software.
RSView Runtime for Automatic operating of steam pressure, temperatures, fuel flow, & combustion airflow.
Control system incorporates a 4 - 20 mA steam pressure transmitter to sense any changes in steam flow, boiler pressure, & regulates fuel feed & combustion airflow accordingly.
Complete with:
Additional details on file for scope of this Complete System's original project.
NOTE: Building that houses Boiler can be included with Boiler if desired by Buyer.
Complete in-place system with the following features:
205 HP Biomass Wood Fired Boiler, 7,073 PPH, Gross steam output at 212° F.
"FB-1332-15-UF" Low pressure "fire tube"-design fire box, Built in accordance with ASME Code.
Operator Interface:
ALLEN-BRADLEY PLC, with Power Supply Rack, Pentium-based computer with Network & Modem remote communication capabilities with Operator interface software.
RSView Runtime for Automatic operating of steam pressure, temperatures, fuel flow, & combustion airflow.
Control system incorporates a 4 - 20 mA steam pressure transmitter to sense any changes in steam flow, boiler pressure, & regulates fuel feed & combustion airflow accordingly.
Complete with:
Additional details on file for scope of this Complete System's original project.
NOTE: Building that houses Boiler can be included with Boiler if desired by Buyer.