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I want to place equipment in the "Online Auction"

Contact EX-FACTORYAuctions to sell surplus equipment within four to six weeks. No upfront cost or fee; typically only ...15% Sellers Fee retained from the winning bid amount.

The "Online Auction" is a division of EX-FACTORY. Established in 1989 and the market leader in Used Equipment Sales, we know woodworking machinery, its application & limitations, marketability, and longevity.

Whether you have one or two pieces for sale, or an entire plant, we will sell it for you! Should time not be of the essence, we'll be glad to offer your items through our regular EX-FACTORY website; ...just let us know!
Please enter your contact information below (Fields marked with an * are required):
Please call me personally. I'd like to discuss this with you confidentially.
I'm thinking about an online auction "exclusively" for our equipment - Please call me to discuss confidentially.
I have a lot of equipment, and I would like a visit from you.
I have the equipment already listed on other website(s) - in my notes below, I'll tell you where.
Brief description of my equipment or websites:
